
Similar to structure, enumeration declaration can be
  1. Enumeration names form a separate namespace
    enum ENUM {
      member1 [= integer],
      member2 [= integer]
    usage in declarations and definitions requires keyword enum in C (recommended to C++ too)
    enum ENUM e;
  2. typedef can be used to shorten declarations and definitions
    typedef enum ENUM Enum;
    Enum e;
  3. typedef and enum declarations can be combined into one construct
    typedef enum ENUM {
      member1 [= integer],
      member2 [= integer]
    } Enum;
  4. Typically, inner enum declaration needs no name
    typedef enum {
      member1 [= integer],
      member2 [= integer]
    } Enum;
  5. In C++, typedef is optional.
    enum Enum {
      member1 [= integer],
      member2 [= integer]
    Enum e;

In C, the type of an enumerator is int. In C++, the type of an enumerator is its enumeration. C++ objects of enumeration type can only be assigned values of the same enumeration type.
enum Color {
} c = 1;	// valid C, invalid C++
When necessary, however, an enumeration type is automatically promoted to an arithmetic type. For example
Enum e = member1;
const int array_size = 1024;
int chunk_size = array_size * e; // promoted to int
In C++, iterate over the values using the enumerators is not allowed, as there is no support for moving backward or forward from one enumerator value to a succeeding or preceding one.
for (Enum e=member1; e!=member2; e++) // not supported
  // ...

To print the actual enumerator names, define an array of strings indexed by the value of the enumerator.
const char *EnumName[] = { "member1", "member2" };
Enum e = member1;
cout << EnumName[e] << endl;
e = member2;
cout << EnumName[e] << endl;