// TDArrayMain.cpp
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "TDArray.h"
#include "TDArray.cpp"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
TDArray<int> arr1, arr2(5);
cout << "arr1.length: " << arr1.Length() << "; arr2.length: " << arr2.Length() << endl;
if ((argc>1) && (atoi(argv[1]) == 1)) // testing level 1
cout << "attempt access arr1[0]," << endl;
cout << arr1[0];
cout << "arr2: ";
for (int i=0; i<arr2.Length(); i++)
cout << arr2[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
arr2[0] = 1, arr2[1] = 6, arr2[2] = 9, arr2[3] = 3, arr2[4] = 7;
cout << "After filling, arr2: ";
for (int i=0; i<arr2.Length(); i++)
cout << arr2[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
TDArray<int> arr3 = arr2;
cout << "arr3 = arr2, arr3: ";
for (int i=0; i<arr3.Length(); i++)
cout << arr3[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
arr1 = arr3(1, 4);
cout << "arr1 = arr3(1, 4), arr1: ";
for (int i=0; i<arr1.Length(); i++)
cout << arr1[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
TDArray<int> arr4 = arr3 & arr1;
cout << "arr4 = arr3 & arr1, arr4: ";
for (int i=0; i<arr4.Length(); i++)
cout << arr4[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
cout << "arr3.Delete(0), arr3: ";
for (int i=0; i<arr3.Length(); i++)
cout << arr3[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
cout << "arr3.Delete(3), arr3: ";
for (int i=0; i<arr3.Length(); i++)
cout << arr3[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
arr3.Insert(7, 3);
cout << "arr3.Insert(7, 3), arr3: ";
for (int i=0; i<arr3.Length(); i++)
cout << arr3[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
arr3.Insert(1, 0);
cout << "arr3.Insert(1, 0), arr3: ";
for (int i=0; i<arr3.Length(); i++)
cout << arr3[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
cout << "arr4.LSearch(9) = " << arr4.LSearch(9) << endl;
cout << "arr4.IndexOfMin(3, 6) = " << arr4.IndexOfMin(3, 6) << endl;
cout << "arr4.IndexOfMin() = " << arr4.IndexOfMin() << endl;
cout << "arr3.SSort(), arr3: ";
for (int i=0; i<arr3.Length(); i++)
cout << arr3[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
cout << "arr4.QSort(), arr4: ";
for (int i=0; i<arr4.Length(); i++)
cout << arr4[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
cout << "arr4.BSearch(9) = " << arr4.BSearch(9) << endl;
return 0;
// TDArray.h
#ifndef TDARRAY_
#define TDARRAY_
#include <cstdlib> // for size_t
template <typename ArrayElem>
class TDArray
// helper function for recursive version of BSearch
const ArrayElem* BinarySearch(const ArrayElem& elem, const ArrayElem *array, size_t length) const;
// helper function for QSort
unsigned int Split(unsigned int low, unsigned int high);
void QuickSort(unsigned int low, unsigned int high);
ArrayElem *array_;
size_t length_;
TDArray(size_t length=0);
TDArray(const TDArray& tdArray);
const ArrayElem& operator[](unsigned int i) const;
ArrayElem& operator[](unsigned int i);
size_t Length(void) const { return length_; }
TDArray& operator=(const TDArray& tdArray);
TDArray operator()(unsigned int first, unsigned int last) const;
TDArray operator&(const TDArray& tdArray) const;
bool Insert(const ArrayElem& elem, unsigned int pos);
bool Delete(unsigned int pos);
int LSearch(const ArrayElem& elem) const;
int BSearch(const ArrayElem& elem) const;
// helper function for SSort, but also useful for it own
unsigned int IndexOfMin(unsigned int first, unsigned int last) const;
unsigned int IndexOfMin() const { return IndexOfMin(0, length_-1); }
void Swap(unsigned int i1, unsigned int i2)
ArrayElem temp = array_[i1];
array_[i1] = array_[i2];
array_[i2] = temp;
void SSort(void);
void QSort(void);
// TDArray.cpp
#include <cstdlib> // for exit()
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "TDArray.h"
template <typename ArrayElem>
TDArray<ArrayElem>::TDArray(size_t length)
length_ = length;
if (length_ == 0)
array_ = NULL;
array_ = new ArrayElem[length_];
if (array_ == NULL)
cerr << "\n*** unable allocate TDArray in call to TDArray constructor\n";
template <typename ArrayElem>
TDArray<ArrayElem>::TDArray(const TDArray& tdArray)
length_ = tdArray.length_;
if (tdArray.array_ == NULL)
array_ = NULL;
array_ = new ArrayElem[length_];
if (array_ == NULL)
cerr << "\n*** unable allocate TDArray in call to TDArray copy constructor\n";
for (int i=0; i<length_; i++)
array_[i] = tdArray.array_[i];
template <typename ArrayElem>
length_ = 0;
if (array_ != NULL)
delete []array_;
array_ = NULL;
template <typename ArrayElem>
const ArrayElem& TDArray<ArrayElem>::operator[](unsigned int i) const
if (i < length_)
return array_[i];
cerr << "\n*** attempt access past end of TDArray in call to operator[]\n";
template <typename ArrayElem>
ArrayElem& TDArray<ArrayElem>::operator[](unsigned int i)
if (i < length_)
return array_[i];
cerr << "\n*** attempt access past end of TDArray in call to operator[]\n";
template <typename ArrayElem>
TDArray<ArrayElem>& TDArray<ArrayElem>::operator=(const TDArray& tdArray)
if (this != &tdArray) // self-test
if (length_ != tdArray.length_)
length_ = tdArray.length_;
if (array_ != NULL)
delete []array_;
if (tdArray.array_ == NULL)
array_ = NULL;
array_ = new ArrayElem[length_];
if (array_ == NULL)
cerr << "\n*** unable reallocate TDArray in call to operator=\n";
if (array_ != NULL)
for (int i=0; i<length_; i++)
array_[i] = tdArray.array_[i];
return *this;
template <typename ArrayElem>
TDArray<ArrayElem> TDArray<ArrayElem>::operator()(unsigned int first, unsigned int last) const
if (last >= length_)
cerr << "\n*** last too big in call to operator()\n";
last = length_ - 1;
if (first > last)
cerr << "\n*** first pass last in call to operator()\n";
TDArray tdArray;
tdArray.length_ = last - first + 1;
tdArray.array_ = new ArrayElem[tdArray.length_];
if (tdArray.array_ == NULL)
cerr << "\n*** unable allocate TDArray in call to operator()\n";
for (int i=0, j=first; i<length_; i++, j++)
tdArray.array_[i] = array_[j];
return tdArray;
template <typename ArrayElem>
TDArray<ArrayElem> TDArray<ArrayElem>::operator&(const TDArray& tdArray) const
TDArray tdArray2;
if (array_ != NULL && tdArray.array_ != NULL)
tdArray2.length_ =length_ + tdArray.length_;
tdArray2.array_ = new ArrayElem[tdArray2.length_];
if (tdArray2.array_ == NULL)
cerr << "\n*** unable allocate TDArray in call to operator&\n";
int i, j;
for (i=0; i<length_; i++)
tdArray2.array_[i] = array_[i];
for (j=0; j<tdArray.length_; i++, j++)
tdArray2.array_[i] = tdArray.array_[j];
return tdArray2;
else if (array_ != NULL)
return *this;
else // if (tdArray.array_ != NULL)
return tdArray;
template <typename ArrayElem>
bool TDArray<ArrayElem>::Insert(const ArrayElem& elem, unsigned int pos)
if (pos > length_)
cerr << "\n*** attempt insert past end of TDArray\n";
pos = length_;
ArrayElem *temp = new ArrayElem[length_+1];
if (temp == NULL)
cerr<<"\n*** unable reallocate TDArray in call to Insert\n";
return false;
int i;
for (i=length_; i>pos; i--)
temp[i] = array_[i-1];
temp[i] = elem;
for (i--; i>=0; i--)
temp[i] = array_[i];
if (array_ != NULL)
delete []array_;
array_ = temp;
return true;
template <typename ArrayElem>
bool TDArray<ArrayElem>::Delete(unsigned int pos)
if (pos >= length_)
cerr << "\n*** last too big in call to Delete\n";
pos = length_ - 1;
ArrayElem *temp = new ArrayElem[length_-1];
if (temp == NULL)
cerr << "\n*** unable reallocate TDArray in call to Delete\n";
return false;
int i;
for (i=0; i<pos; i++)
temp[i] = array_[i];
for (; i<length_; i++)
temp[i] = array_[i+1];
if (array_ != NULL)
delete []array_;
array_ = temp;
return true;
template <typename ArrayElem>
int TDArray<ArrayElem>::LSearch(const ArrayElem& elem) const
for (int i=0; i<length_; i++)
if (array_[i] == elem)
return i;
return -1;
template <typename ArrayElem>
int TDArray<ArrayElem>::BSearch(const ArrayElem& elem) const
int first=0, last = length_-1, mid;
while (last >= first)
mid = (first+last) / 2;
if (array_[mid] == elem)
return mid;
else if (array_[mid] > elem)
last = mid - 1;
first = mid + 1;
return -1;
/* Recursive version */
template <typename ArrayElem>
int TDArray<ArrayElem>::BSearch(const ArrayElem& elem) const
const ArrayElem *temp = BinarySearch(elem, array_, length_);
if (temp == NULL)
return -1;
return (temp-array_);
template <typename ArrayElem>
const ArrayElem* TDArray<ArrayElem>::BinarySearch(const ArrayElem& elem, const ArrayElem *array, size_t length) const
int mid = length / 2;
if (length == 0)
return NULL;
else if (array[mid] == elem)
return (&array[mid]);
else if (array[mid] > elem)
return BinarySearch(elem, array, mid);
if (length%2 == 0)
return BinarySearch(elem, array+mid+1, length-mid-1);
return BinarySearch(elem, array+mid+1, length-mid);
template <typename ArrayElem>
unsigned int TDArray<ArrayElem>::IndexOfMin(unsigned int first, unsigned int last) const
if (last >= length_)
cerr << "\n*** last too big in call to IndexOfMin\n";
last = length_ - 1;
if (first > last)
cerr << "\n*** first pass last in call IndexOfMin\n";
unsigned int minPos = first;
for (int i=first+1; i<=last; i++)
if (array_[i] < array_[minPos])
minPos = i;
return minPos;
template <typename ArrayElem>
void TDArray<ArrayElem>::SSort(void)
unsigned int minPos;
for (int i=0; i<length_; i++)
minPos = IndexOfMin(i, length_-1);
if (minPos != i)
Swap(i, minPos);
template <typename ArrayElem>
unsigned int TDArray<ArrayElem>::Split(unsigned int low, unsigned int high)
int left = low, right = high;
ArrayElem pivot = array_[low];
while (left < right)
while ((right>0) && (array_[right] > pivot))
while ((left<right) && (array_[left] <= pivot))
if (left < right)
Swap(left, right);
if (right != low)
array_[low] = array_[right];
array_[right] = pivot;
return right;
template <typename ArrayElem>
void TDArray<ArrayElem>::QuickSort(unsigned int low, unsigned int high)
if (low < high) // has 2 more items
unsigned int mid = Split(low, high);
if (mid > 0)
QuickSort(low, mid-1);
QuickSort(mid+1, high);
template <typename ArrayElem>
void TDArray<ArrayElem>::QSort(void)
if (length_ > 1)
QuickSort(0, length_-1);